How to Make Money From YouTube – 2025 Full Guide


How to make money from YouTube? In today’s world, there are so many ways you can earn money online, one of those ways is YouTube. Now days YouTube has become a very good source through which any person can earn millions a month .

Unemployment has increased a lot in our country . today, there are many people in our country who are highly educated but still they are not able to get jobs anywhere because there are not much opportunity left .

Recently, due to Corona, many people were fired from their jobs, due to which unemployment has increased even more. After losing their jobs due to Corona, today there are many people who are interested to know more about how to earn money online as well as offline.

Today our technology has become so much advanced that we are getting new opportunity everyday through which anyone can earn money online . That’s why today we are going to talk about how you can earn money from YouTube .

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Today there are many people who want to earn money from YouTube, but they are unable to do so due to lack of proper knowledge about YouTube.

That’s why today I am going to tell you all the things related to YouTube like – How YouTube works and How you can make money from YouTube .

How YouTube Work 

 As you all know that right now YouTube is No.1 video streaming platform in the world , and approx. 3 to 4 million videos are uploaded to YouTube every day . Whoever uploads videos on YouTube, most of them have only one purpose that is to earn money from those videos .

YouTube is a product of Google, just like you get to see Google’s Service Apps in every phone, in the same way you get to see YouTube in every smartphone. After the arrival of jio in India, online platforms like YouTube have grown a lot, today there are many people who spend a lot of their time on YouTube.

Earlier, when the Internet used to be expensive, whenever anyone wanted information related to any topic, he reads about it on Google, but today the Internet has become so cheap that the same people likes to watch videos on YouTube on topic they want to know .

Now if you are wondering how YouTube works means How you can upload videos on YouTube and how you can make money from it .

YouTube is also a search engine like Google, but the only difference is that you get more written content on Google but on the YouTube you get to see content only in video form.

When you upload a video on YouTube, you need to provide information like the title, description, and tags. This helps YouTube understand the topic of your video. So, whenever someone searches for something on YouTube, and it matches the information you’ve provided, your video is more likely to appear in the search results.

YouTube shows your video as a recommendation so that the person who search about that topic get the right information . And this is how basically YouTube algorithm works .

Let me explain you with an example so that it is easy for you to understand – Suppose you put a video on your YouTube whose title is (what is blogging) and in the description of that video , you describe little bit about blogging and also you use tags related to blogging.

So whenever someone search something regarding blogging or what is blogging , then YouTube show your video in search result .

Another special thing of YouTube algorithm is that it promotes the video of every creator, like example if you have seen Mobile Unboxing Video on your YouTube app , Then now YouTube will recommend you similar types of video but of different – different creators . This thing gives a chance to other creators to grow on YouTube as well .

Now if you are wondering how you can upload a video on YouTube ? So in order to upload a video on YouTube , first you have to create a YouTube account or, you can say, a YouTube channel.

How To Create A YouTube Channel/Account 

Now if you are wondering how you can upload a video on YouTube ? So in order to upload a video on YouTube , first you have to create a YouTube account or, you can say, a YouTube channel.

Creating a YouTube channel is quite easy , In order to create a YouTube channel, you only need a Gmail account. You can open YouTube channel only with the help of Gmail account. So let’s know step by step that How to create a YouTube Channel .

How To Create A YouTube Channel Step By Step

1. To create a YouTube channel, a Gmail account will be required, if you do not have a Gmail account, then create a Gmail account first.

2. To create a YouTube channel, first go to or open your YouTube’s mobile app.

3. After opening the YouTube App, sign in to YouTube with the Gmail account you have.

4. After signing in, you will see the photo of your Gmail account. Click on that icon, after which many options will appear, out of those options you have to click on “Create a Channel” or “Your Channel”.

5. After clicking on these options, it will ask you whether you want to open the YouTube channel of the same name given in Gmail or if you want to open it with a custom name.

6. Now click on the option with Custom name, after clicking on it , it will ask you to enter the Channel Name, Remember the channel name must be short and unique so that it is easy to remember .

7. After filling the channel name , your YouTube channel is almost ready . Now you have to only enter small details like Channel description , channel category , and put channel logo and banner to look more aesthetic appealing .

After entering all off this details your YouTube channel is completely ready . Now you can start uploading videos on your channel .

Now you have known that how to create a YouTube channel , So lets proceed and get to know how to earn money from YouTube .

How To Earn Money From YouTube 

Before knowing how to make money from YouTube , we have to know how YouTube actually gives money to its Creator or say YouTuber . So many people think that YouTube gives money on the basis of how much subscriber do you have .

If you also think like this, then it is absolutely wrong because YouTube does not give money to its Creator on the basis of Subscriber, Like or comments . YouTube gives money to its creators for the number of advertisements that appear on their videos.

You must have seen that whenever you watch a video on YouTube, some ads are shown on it, YouTuber gets money for the same ads. The more ads that are shown on their videos, the more money that Youtuber will get.

To earn money from YouTube, you need one more thing along with YouTube, that is AdSense account.

Now you must be thinking that what is AdSense account? AdSense is also a product of Google which is used for advertisement. AdSense just help you to monetize your YouTube videos via ads and help you to monitor how much money you are making from your YouTube videos .

Without AdSense account, even if you have a YouTube Channel which has a lot of Subscribers, you cannot earn money through Ads from it. AdSense is the only one way through which you can earn money from youtube via advertisement .

By now you must have get a rough idea on how to make money from YouTube , Now lets proceed and get to know few other ways through which you can make money from YouTube .

Different ways to make money from YouTube

1. Advertisements

Advertisement is the easiest way to earn money from YouTube Videos With the help of Ads, you can easily earn in lakhs of rupees per month. You do now have to worry about how to place ADs or anything, All you have to do is to link your YouTube channel with google AdSense account.

After which ads will start showing on your videos, and you will start earning money from your YouTube videos . Nowadays YouTube also has introduced some eligibility criteria like you have to complete 1000 subscriber and 4,000 hours of watch time in order to get eligible for making money from YouTube via AdSense .

how to make money from YouTube

All This happen because many people started making YouTube channel and majority of them started seeing YouTube as a money making platform and not seeing as a platform who gives you a valuable information . This is why YouTube have put some rules and regulation for making money on YouTube.

Google AdSense also has its own terms and conditions that you must follow. If you don’t comply with these, your account can be suspended by AdSense. The minimum payment threshold Amount on AdSense is $100 . Like if your more than $100 from your YouTube videos than you can transfer that amount to your bank account .

2 . Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is also another way to earn money from YouTube channel. Today a lot of people are doing Affiliate Marketing with the help of their YouTube Videos and earning a lot of money from it.

Now you must be wondering what is Affiliate marketing? So I am already writing a detailed article which you can read by clicking here – What is Affiliate marketing?

If i explain you about affiliate marketing in a simplest manner , affiliate marketing is all about promoting another company product in exchange of some percentage of commission on sales . You must have seen on YouTube that when any creator does unboxing or review of a product, he puts the link of that product in the video description.

So whenever a person click on that link to buy that product , then that creator gets some commission in return of promoting that product. This method helps creator to generate a good amount of money every month .

3. Sponsorship

Sponsorship is also a very good way through which you can earn a lot of money from YouTube. When a Creator gets a lot of Subscribers on YouTube. Then all the big companies approach these creator to promote their product and services in exchange of a handsome amount of money .

If you are thinking that this is just like affiliate marketing, then let me tell you that there is a lot of difference between Affiliate marketing and Sponsorship. In affiliate marketing, the amount of money you get is directly proportional to how much product is sold by you .

This means if you not able to sell any product then you also not going to get any money .

But in the sponsorship, you do not have to worry about whether the product is being sold or not, you just have to promote their product and service, you get money in return.

It does not matter how many subscribers you have to do Affiliate Marketing, but in Sponsorship Subscribers matter. The more subscribers you have, the more money company will pay you.

To get Sponsorship, you must have a minimum of 5000 subscribers, then you are become eligible for applying for sponsorship to any company. If you want to know how to get sponsorship then just search on google “Sponsorship site ” and you get to know about those website who offer sponsorship . 

4 . Merchandise 

Nowadays you have sees that many YouTube creator try to sell their own product , whether it is clothes or mugs , badges . But you know why they are try to sell because selling your own products via your YouTube channel or social media account generate a good amount of money and it also help you to grow your brand .

Today there are many people who first grow their YouTube Channel well and then with the help of that channel they are selling their own products.

For example, Bhuvan Bam who runs a YouTube channel named BB Ki Vines, today he also sells his own products. bhuvan bam has been making Funny Vines since starting and today he is very famous and one of the top creators of YouTube.

Now he is earning a lot of money by selling his own products. This is how you have to use your YouTube and social media account to earn more money alongside advertising and sponsorship .

5. Live Streaming / Membership

As you know that these days gaming industry are growing rapidly all over the world, So doing a live Streaming of gaming is also become a very good option to earn money from YouTube . As you know many youtuber like Mortal , Dynamo , Scoutop who doing live streaming of gaming are also doing well in life . Live streaming of gaming is also a very good part time as well as full time work .

Nowadays earning money from live streaming has become easier than before because earlier there were not as many features available while doing live streaming , which sometime creates problem but nowadays it become a lot easier and there are so many feature that help you to track and monetize your live streaming easily .

live streaming feature like super chat help you send money to your favorite streamer in order to support them and encourage them to do more live streaming . With the help of super chat you can also ask questions to your favorite streamer .

This feature has become very useful to the popular streamer because after the introduction of this feature, the streamer’s earning has increased much more than before.

Along with YouTube, you can earn money through Live Streaming as well as Membership, YouTube recently launched this feature, in which you can become a member of their channel to support your Favorite Content Creator.

To take membership, you have to take a subscription which has monthly charges. The Membership Subscription Amount of each Content Creator is different. If you get a good amount of members on your YouTube channel , then through them you can earn a lot of money monthly in a fixed amount, without doing anything extra.

You can earn money from YouTube through these methods, so all these methods are quite correct and popular, but the most popular method out of all these is AdSense . There are so many YouTube who’s main source of earning is AdSense because in AdSense you do not have to do much , you just have to put videos on your YouTube channel and you can start earning money from it .

You only have to create an AdSense account and link it to your YouTube Channel, after that Earning starts from your YouTube Videos.

I hope that by now you must have come to know what is YouTube and how to earn money from YouTube. Now lets proceed and get to know whether YouTube is better than Blogging or not?

YouTube Vs Blogging

After knowing mostly all the things about YouTube now if you are wondering what is blogging then let me tell you that Blogging is also a way through which you can share your knowledge to the world and make money from it .

youtube VS blogging which is Best

As you know that in YouTube you make videos regarding information you have or you know , This same goes with blogging but the difference in blogging is that you have to write all the information you have and share it through the world via website .

Now if you are thinking that which is good and which is not , then let me tell you that both these platforms have its own advantages and disadvantages. Like in YouTube you do not have to pay for anything but in blogging if you want to start in a professional manner then you have to invest some money in it .

It is not like you cannot do blogging without investment, but if you want to do in a professional manner and want to make money from it you have to invest some money in it , because in free blogging platform you do not get as many features as you get in the paid one , which help you to grow and earn money quickly .

Growing in YouTube is easier than Blogging because in YouTube if you not have knowledge about SEO , still you are able to grow and make money from it but in blogging it is necessary to have knowledge about SEO , otherwise it take you a long time to grow in blogging .

YouTube is more popular than blogging because nowadays people like to watch videos more than read article . These days Earning money is become difficult in both of these methods because Earlier it used to be very easy to earn money from YouTube, you could start earning money from your first videos, but now YouTube has become very strict about their rules and monetization.

Ever since jio has come, many people have come to YouTube, due to which the competition has also increased a lot . Due to this YouTube reason YouTube become strict about their monetization policy , so that only serious one can make money from YouTube .

These monetization policy also help to sort out those people who just making videos for the sake of money but not actually providing valuable information .

AdSense approval in blogging is also very difficult if you compare it to YouTube because the term and condition of AdSense for Websites is very high, which takes a lot of time to fulfill.

Like if you want to take Approval in Blogging, then you must have a .Com Domain and approx. 40 to 50 quality content should be there in your blog and your blog / website should be 6 months old, then there is some chances that AdSense approve you monetization request .

From all these things, you must have come to know that what is the difference between YouTube and Blogging and what gonna work for you if you want to make money online .


I hope that you have got all the information about How to make money from YouTube and I am sure that you will be able to earn money from YouTube by using all those information that I give you.

If you want to earn money from YouTube or online , then keep one thing in mind that unless you are consistent on it, you will find it very difficult to earn money.

Whether it is YouTube or any other platform, hard work matters, you will have to think of new ideas for your videos and be different from others and do better than others, then you will be able to earn money from it.

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Techy Troops
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